24" x 72" Silk, Wax, Fabric Dye Using the traditional Malaysian Batik style of painting, I assimilated Malaysian and Chinese culture to reflect my own heritage.
18" x 30" Colored Pencil Wears of egotism
Fear of the Water
35" x 55" Chalk I chose the subject both for its spherical motif and to emit the challenge of addressing my own fears.
Rose Tinted Glasses
18" x 30 " Colored Pencil A self portrait
Ink and Alcohol Markers Disconnection between thoughts, others, and identity. But loneliness is still time spent with the world.
Infidelity of the Self
Colored Pencils and Alcohol Markers Lying to others is lying to ourselves.
Moralism and Truth
Water Color, Newspaper, Magazines, ink Words define, expose, and alienate us from each other. Who’s truth are we to propagate?
Morning Concerto
Oil Pastel Music enables us to find and lose ourselves at the same time. Are we within or exterior to ourselves?
Teen Angst
Marker Heaty growth between loathing yourself, half friendships, and the hours of nothing.
Tyranny of the Urgent
Acrylic Paint NOW. What’s imminent now can make us lose sight of what’s happened and what’s to become.